The numbers are in, and 2024 was a record-breaking year for Bible sales, which grew 22% over Bible sales from the previous year, while other print books grew by only 1% or less, according to Circana BookScan, a global leader in book publishing and sales.
While the Bible is commonly regarded as the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated 5 to 7 billion copies sold around the world in more than 700 languages, many are asking why the surge in 2024?
In a time where so many read digitally on Bible apps and E-readers, it is all the more intriguing to find readers looking for printed hard or softcover copy’s of God’s Word. Some credit this with publishing gimmicks, like Bibles with beautiful covers and illustrations, versions for children, or versions that offer convenience, like journals built in. Yet, even the best marketing strategies cannot account for a book that has already sold so many copies outpacing the over-all print marketplace by a full 21%. It seems that modern readers are valuing this timeless book for more than just it’s cover.,
Jeff Crosby, the President and CEO of Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, explained than in a world where many are increasingly anxious, the Bible offers hope, gratitude, and peace. Crosby commented, “The Bible is a source of guidance and comfort and reassurance in this anxious generation.” He commented on societal challenges like the emergence of AI, the negative impacts of social media, global war and war in the Middle East, politics, and how people in America and around the world are looking for real answers amid uncertainty. Crosby explained, “I think [with] the past three election cycles and all of the polarization that we’ve seen there, people are looking for kind of an anchor. And I think scripture provides that. It’s a source of wisdom, of direction, of consolation.”
Crosby further noted that while Bible sales in 2024 have been expectational and while he is “grateful for what it could mean in the lives of readers here in North America and around the world—the sale of a book or a Bible doesn’t necessarily mean someone is reading it, and it’s in the reading that lives have a chance to be transformed.”
So what should Christians take away from this trend? First, we need to be prayerfully prepared to share the Gospel and “give a reason for the hope that we have (1st Peter 3:15).” All around us, people are looking for answers, for hope, and for Truth. Each day as you start your day, pray that the Lord would use you to share the light of His love with someone, and then look for Him to answer that prayer and give you opportunities each day. Also, look for opportunities to make disciples and study the Bible with others (Titus 2 speaks to this; older men mentoring younger men, and older women mentoring younger women). Finally, remember that you cannot give out what you do not have yourself. Be careful to stay steeped in the Word, because through it, God is equipping you for every other good work to which He calls you (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Tips for Getting the Most of Reading God’s Word:
- Cultivate a habit of reading the Bible daily, or even throughout the day. If you’re just starting out, every time you pick up your phone or another book to read, pause for a moment and read a passage of Scripture. Soon you will have formed a new habit of reaching for your Bible first.
- Start your day with Scripture. The Bible tells us God’s Word is alive (Hebrews 4:12), that is sustains our life (Mathew 4:4), that it is our offensive weapon (Ephesians 6:17), that it is a light to our feet and a lamp to our path offering guidance in every season (Psalm 119:105), that it can keep us from sin (Psalm 119:11), and much more! Nothing can prepare you to face the day like time in the Word and prayer!
- When you need wisdom, turn to Proverbs. There are 31 short chapters, so you can read one a day, each day of the month.
- When your heart feels burdened or you feel like you are far from God, start with Psalms, the Old Testament book of worship and praise, and you will find freedom in a deeper love for the Savior.
- Remember that the Bible is God’s Word written for you, so through prayer, have a conversation with Him about it. When digging into a difficult section, pray and ask the Hold Spirit to help you understand what it means. Ask what the Lord is saying to you in a specific passage? Ask how He wants you to apply this to your life?
- Remember that “Jesus is King, and Context is Key.” In the Old and New Testament, so much of Scripture focuses on Jesus. Also, the best tool to interpret Scripture is…Scripture! The Bible is unlike any other book. It was written over a period of about 1,500 years by 40 different human authors who God divinely inspired to tell one cohesive story. In the first half of the Bible, the Old Testament records God’s promise of a Savior and predicts how He will come into the World. In the New Testament, we see that promise fulfilled in Jesus, who died on a Roman cross to pay for our sins and rose again to life, so that He could restore us to new, eternal life with God the Father. Things in the Old Testament give insight into things in the New Testament, and vice versa, in this amazing, intertwined story of redemption.
- Talk with others! There is value in meeting with other believers (Hebrews 10:25) studying the Word together and discussing how it applies to our lives. You can be an encouragement to them, even as they encourage you!
Tips if You’re Brand New to Reading the Bible:
- Start in the Gospel of John (about 2/3 of the way in-consult the table of contents in the front of your Bible for page number). Read one chapter a day, and you will see how John tells the story of who Jesus is and what He did while alive on this earth.
- Next, read Acts (found right after John), where you will find the exciting story of Jesus’s very first followers told others about how He died and rose again.
- Then, keep reading through the New Testament letters that Christ’s Apostles wrote to His first followers and the early Church about what it meant to live by faith. This section includes the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans (Romans) all the way through the book of Jude.
- Next, go back and read the other three gospel accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
- As you get more comfortable, dig into the Old Testament starting in Genesis. Here you will find the true story of how God created the world, how man rebelled against God and fell into sin, and see why we need a Savior. You’ll see how even after mankind rebelled, God showed both mercy and justice and began executing His good plan to save us. You’ll see many prophesies and promises that are fulfilled in the Jesus.
- Finally, read Revelation, the very last book of the Bible, talking about the future, when Jesus Christ returns and reigns victorious forever!
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