• SLG Witness

    Engaging the Culture

    By strategically employing a wide variety of media, Salt & Light Global enhances its ability to inform and engage the culture. The cornerstone of our media strategy is our online journal and blog, Witness.

  • Integrity

    Content You Can Trust

    At Witness, contributors regularly write about the positive impact of Christianity on the culture. They also comment on deteriorating cultural developments and abuses of government power. (e.g., shining light on the threat to constitutional governance from activist federal Judges; exposing the insidious nature of politically unaccountable administrative agencies, etc…).

    Without fear or favor, academic scholars and policy experts regularly tweet, blog, podcast, and provide interviews to TV, radio, and print media. SLG always produces its media programs with an eye toward preserving and shining inalienable Truth and Christian love in the culture for God’s glory.

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Explore Issues

  • Apologetics & Christian Thought

    “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” - Apostle Paul, Romans 12:2 (ESV)

  • Arts & Culture

    Art is powerful. Its influence extends beyond the theater and museum into the bedrooms, boardrooms, and courtrooms of our nations. Stories portrayed on stage or in film seep into the public consciousness, slowly creating a culture in their image.

  • Business & Economics

    From marketing products that shape our daily lives to funding causes that define our cultural mores, the business world wields a significant amount of influence in our society.

  • Education

    Wisdom and knowledge are essential to building healthy communities. A properly educated citizenry is innovative, stable, and productive; it is also more likely to be just, free and reasoned.

  • Family, Marriage, & Life

    The family acts as the foundational sphere in society. Every other sphere flows from this first institution, this primary building block.

  • Freedom of Speech & Conscience

    The unalienable liberty of religious conscience and expression includes the freedom to believe and hold such ideas as a matter of conscience, as well as to manifest such conscience.

  • Government & the Rule of Law

    We look to the government to educate our children, sponsor the arts, and provide healthcare. No wonder it is referred to as the “savior State”. The question is: Should the government be fulfilling these roles?

  • Liberty of Property

    The sacredness of property, and the proper stewardship of it, is apparent throughout the Bible. This First Principle informs government laws prohibiting and punishing theft, robbery, insider trading, embezzlement, etc.

  • Poverty

    For the Christian, every conversation about poverty should be based on the Heart of Father and His boundless love for children. Every single human being is a precious image-bearer of God Himself, and everything in the earth—every resource—belongs to Him.

  • Prayer

    Prayer is one of the most important parts of life for a believer. As we seek to set apart Christ as Lord, we invite you to join us in praying and seeking the Lord’s will in different spheres of life.

  • Protecting Life

    Because God created human life in His image, all human life holds inherent dignity that everyone, including government authorities, must respect.

  • Science, Medicine, & Healthcare

    Because God is the Creator of the World, He is also the Master Scientist and Great Physician. His Word is Truth that applies directly to all realms of science and medicine, and through His Word, the Lord reveals a true understanding of His creation.

  • Slavery / Trafficking

    Human trafficking is the single fastest growing criminal activity around the world, with a record number of nearly 30 million children, women, and men enslaved and exploited around the world today.

  • Sphere Sovereignty

    At the heart of this mission is the biblical idea of God’s Sovereignty—that He, as the creator and Supreme and Sovereign Ruler of all, is over all. Every realm or sphere of life, culture, and society are under His jurisdiction.

  • The Church

    The Church, as God designed, holds the esteemed position of prophet, servant, and sanctuary. God intended for His Church to make disciples, uphold truth, care for the widows, orphans, and infirm, and provide refuge for the oppressed.