John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
As we enter into spring, we welcome the season of renewal. The grayness of the landscape begins to fade and is replaced by green of new life. Snow changes to sweet spring rain leaving behind the smell of the freshly washed outdoors.
And so it is with worship. True worship works as the releasing catalyst for the divine bleach of heaven, welcoming the atmosphere of the most Holy into the creation that He will one day completely redeem. His atmosphere is unchanging but ever ready to transform the atmosphere of our daily lives which so desperately needs to be changed. True worship allows the worshiper to enter in the presence of the most high and creates an atmosphere of expectant anticipation that anything can happen. We realize that we have drawn near to our Father and He is very near to us. His holiness surrounds us and we are transformed more into his likeness with his implanted word becoming more alive in our hearts.
Faith increases as we recognize that “all things are possible to those whose believe”. The things of the world which now oppose God will melt before His presence, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are called to be worshipers as we pray. Whole hearted worshipers with our attention fixed on Him, for the time has come for the true worshipers to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. The Father is searching for us and we are becoming the worshipers that the Father is searching for!