There are many who stepped over the line from 2017 into 2018 feeling empty because of a lost loved one. If I may, as someone who lost loved ones and endured unavoidable hardships I desire to share this. I have chosen love and accepted the consequences.
As a child I tried to shield my feelings when I first lost someone close to me. When we shield (protect or close) our emotions, we make the choice to close doors to relationships of love and friends. In the closing, we not only cut off others, we die to ourselves.
When we recognize as the result of our love, the blessing is not in the lost, but in the reality of what we had or found, love.
In Philippians 3:13 we are reminded to not be a victim of yesterday, but live into the blessings of tomorrow knowing the pain is the result of love in a world that knows hate so well.
I say, “Happy New Year” because if you have a choice, I pray you choose love.
From our family to yours.