Earlier today, our Great Lakes Justice Center participated in a joint press release from a dozen organizations dedicated to protecting Michigan women and children from the dangerous and destructive policies of the 17-bill package pending before the state legislature, known as the “Reproductive Health Act.” See the text of the press release below and join us praying for lawmakers to keep commonsense protections in place.

Michigan Coalition to Protect a Woman’s Right to Know
Unites in Opposition to Dangerous “Reproductive Health Act”
RHA’s Sweeping Attempt to Fully Deregulate Surgical Abortion Clinics Jeopardizes Women’s Health, Removes Longstanding Protections for Women Seeking an Abortion
LANSING, MI – Today, the Michigan Coalition to Protect a Woman’s Right to Know announced its strong opposition to the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) saying the bills would strip long-standing protections for women and children from Michigan law. The coalition, which draws together more than 10 statewide organizations (listed below) representing millions of citizens, says the RHA was hastily crafted and extends far beyond anything conceived of by any past administration. Passage would present an immediate threat to women and children across our state.
The dangerous RHA package of bills includes repealing Michigan’s informed consent and 24-hour waiting period requirement, removing basic surgical abortion clinic health and safety regulations, and eliminating the legal barrier which prevents taxpayer dollars from funding elective abortions.
These bills run contrary to the will of Michigan voters, as demonstrated by a recent poll from the Market Resource Group. 1 Our state legislators are elected to represent the will of Michiganders, not impose a dangerous, ideologically driven agenda on citizens.
- Informed consent and the 24-hour waiting period matter to Michigan citizens. Women have a right to know about medical procedures they are presenting themselves for, including abortions. This is a right that exists for every other medical procedure.2 (Informed consent is supported by 63 percent of Michigan citizens.)
- Women seeking surgical abortion services deserve to receive care in buildings that meet the same basic health codes as all other medical facilities, including hallway widths large enough to accommodate EMS stretchers and first responders in the event of an emergency. (Abortion clinic health and safety regulations are supported by 90 percent of Michigan citizens.)
- All human life, including the life of a woman seeking an abortion, has inherent value and is worthy of government protection through basic industry regulations. No other industry is left to regulate itself.
- The use of taxpayer dollars to fund elective abortion violates the conscience rights of those opposed to such procedures and ignores the will of the people.3
We, the undersigned, stand united in firm opposition to the proposed legislation which endangers women and call on our state elected leaders to reject the Reproductive Health Act.
Michigan Coalition for Pregnancy Wellness
Life Matters Worldwide
The Great Lakes Justice Center
She Leads Michigan/Fresh Start for Life
Right to Life of Michigan
Michigan Catholic Conference
Christian Coalition
Citizens for Traditional Values
Protect Life Michigan
Mid-Michigan Women for Conservative Values
Democrats for Life
Life Advancement Group
1 According to polling data released May 19, 2023, 97% of pro-choice Michigan voters SUPPORT abortion regulations and give “total support [for] health and safety standards”, while 65% give “total SUPPORT [for] 24-hour waiting periods. Source: https://www.micatholic.org/advocacy/news-room/lansing-update/2023/poll-shows-michigan-voters-favor-abortion-regulation/
2 Currently, all 50 states in the US have informed consent laws, with the majority including 24 hour or longer waiting periods before an abortion. Michigan would be the first and only state to recklessly abandon this standard of best practice. Source: https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/counseling-and-waiting-periods-abortion
3 A majority of 57% of Michigan voters voted to retain the ban on Medicaid-funded abortions the last time the issue was before voters. https://rtl.org/planned-parenthood-requests-repeals/