Law and Policy Update: Jan-Feb 2025

Update by


Issue brief

Updated January 31, 2025

This update includes a summary of Federal and State actions impacting Christian people.  It also includes a prayer guide we pray you will find beneficial.

Matters Pending Before U.S. Congress and State Legislature

Many matters pending before the U.S. Congress and your State Legislature impact Christian people.

Legislative Trackers

Good Governance 
Protecting marriage & family 
Value of Human Life 
Religious Liberty 
(1 Peter 2:13-17)(Genesis 2:24; Psalm 127:3)(Genesis 1:27)(Jude 1:3-4)

Note the special color-coded feature indicating whether the proposed law reinforces, is neutral toward, or contradicts our core values. We’ve also added a feature to let you know if a particular piece of legislation is actively moving.

In the Highest Courts of the Land

Where the highest courts in the land addressed issues impacting faith and freedom, we are there.

U.S. Supreme Court Cases

  • Mahmoud v Taylor (religious parents prohibited from opting their young children out of state mandated LGBTQ indoctrination at school) — SCOTUS just agreed to hear this case.
  • Coalition Life v. Carbondale (24-57) (representing Life Legal Defense, Right to Life (MI); and the Wagner Center) Brief filed in support of Petitioner challenging law making it a crime to express a pro-life viewpoint on the topic of abortion while on a public sidewalk in proximity to an abortion clinic.  Whether the Court should overrule the holding in Hill v. Colorado that improperly enables government to prohibit and punishing speech with which it disagrees — and why the doctrine of stare decisis does not require adherence to the incorrect holding of that case? Read Prof. Wagner’s Supreme Court Brief Here.
  • Little v. Hecox (24-38) (representing university president and the Wagner Center) Brief filed in support of Petition for Certiorari seeking to protect women in sports.  Whether Men should be allowed to compete against women in women’s sports?
  • West Virginia v. BPJ (24-43) (representing university president and the Wagner Center) Brief filed in support of Petition for Certiorari seeking to protect women in sports.  Whether Men should be allowed to compete against women in women’s sports? Read Prof. Wagner’s Supreme Court Brief Here.
  • FDA et al. v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, et al. (23-235) (2024) Read Prof. Wagner’s Supreme Court Brief Here
  • Danco Laboratories v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al. (23-236)(2024) (representing Ob/Gyn physicians and the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center) Brief filed supporting a consolidated challenge to FDA authorization of a drug designed with the singular purpose of killing an innocent human life.
  • We the Patriots USA, et al. v Connecticut Office of Early Childhood Development, et al. (23-643) (2024) (representing Wagner Faith & Freedom Center) Brief filed in support of religious people challenging government action requiring them to be vaccinated in violation of their sincerely held religious conscience due to the vaccine’s development connection with abortion.
  • Moyle, Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives et al. v. United States (23-726) (2024) representing Stanton International). Brief filed opposing federal action requiring physicians to perform elective abortions.
  • Debra A. Vitagliano v. County of Westchester, N.Y. (23-74) (2023) (representing Wagner Faith & Freedom Center and Right to Life – MI). Brief filed in support of Petitioner challenging law making it a crime to express a pro-life viewpoint on the topic of abortion while on a public sidewalk in proximity to an abortion clinic.  Whether the Court should overrule the holding in Hill v. Colorado that improperly enables government to prohibit and punishing speech with which it disagrees — and why the doctrine of stare decisis does not require adherence to the incorrect holding of that case?
  • Brian Tingley v. Attorney General of Washington (22-942) (2023) (representing Wagner Faith & Freedom Center) Brief filed in support of professional counselor where state interfered with the counselor’s First Amendment liberty by requiring him to renounce his Christian expression, conscience, identity, and beliefs, or face professional discipline.  Whether the free exercise of religious expression is a fundamental constitutional right that limits generally applicable government laws?
  • College of the Ozarks v. Joe Biden, et al., (22-816) (2023). (representing Wagner Faith & Freedom Center and the American Association of Christian Schools), Brief filed in support of Christian University where state interfered with the free exercise of religious conscience by requiring Christian universities to allow biological men identifying as women to shower and room with biological women. Whether the government conduct here (failing to give statutorily required notice and hearing so as to allow citizen participation in the government’s rule-making) provides sufficient reason to challenge the government action?

U.S. Court of Appeals Cases

  • State of TN; Christian Educators Assoc v Cardona (6th Cir) (24-5588) Brief filed in support of defining sex base on a person’s objective biology rather than self-identified gender.
  • Kansas v. U.S. Dept of Ed. (10th Cir) Brief filed in support of defining sex base on a person’s objective biology rather than self-identified gender.
  • State of LA v U.S. Dept of Ed. (5th Cir) Brief filed in support of defining sex base on a person’s objective biology rather than self-identified gender.
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus v Dana Nessel, et al. (23-1781) Wagner Faith & Freedom Center amicus in support of appellant religious school.  1) Operating a Religious Organization in Accordance with that Organization’s Religious Doctrine is Not Invidious, Irrational or Arbitrary Discrimination; 2) Ministerial Employees are the “Lifeblood” of a Religious Organization Because They are Critical to the Organization’s Ability to Pursue its Mission and Disseminate its Message; 3) The Ministerial Exception Safeguards a Trilogy of Core First Amendment Rights – Speech, Association and Religion; 4) Every Religious Association is Entitled to Define its Mission and Select Representatives to Disseminate its Message; 5) A Religious School Speaks a Message Inextricably Linked to its Mission. The School Must Retain the Exclusive Right to Select the Messenger; 6) A Religious Association Conveys its Message Not Only Through Speech, But Also the Conduct of its Representatives
  • Littlejohn v. School Bd of Leon Co. FLA (23-10385) (11th Cir) Parental Rights Foundation amicus in support of parents. Whether the District Court erred in ruling that the right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is not clearly established as a fundamental right?
  • Foote, et al. v. Town of Ludlow, et al., (23-106) (1st Cir.) Parental Rights Foundation amicus in support of parents challenging public school policy that prohibits school from informing parents in matters where the school is assisting child to permanently change their sex.  Whether the government school’s policy unconstitutionally infringes on a Christian parent’s constitutional right to control and direct the upbringing of their child.

State Supreme Court Cases

  • In Re Bates (2024) (Michigan) representing HSLDA and Parental Rights Foundation. Whether the right of a parent to direct and control the upbringing of their child is a fundamental right of the highest order?
  • In the Matter of D.N. Dailey (2024) (Michigan) representing HSLDA and Parental Rights Foundation. Whether the right of a parent to direct and control the upbringing of their child is a fundamental right of the highest order?
  • Scardina v. Masterpiece Cakeshop, Inc and Jack Phillips., (2023) (Colorado) representing members of the Colorado legislature in support of Christian baker repeatedly facing government sanction for exercising sincerely held religious conscience.  Whether the government action yet again violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Praise Report – Colorado Supreme Ct Rules for Christian Baker
  • Scardina v. Masterpiece Cakeshop, Inc and Jack Phillips., (2023) (Colorado) representing members of the Colorado legislature in support of Christian baker repeatedly facing government sanction for exercising sincerely held religious conscience.  Whether the Court should grant review to determine whether the government action yet again violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Praise Report – Colorado Supreme Ct Rules for Christian Baker

Federal Executive Actions Impacting Christian Citizens

Federal Executive Actions impact Christian citizens. When these actions impact faith and freedom, or good governance we show up and let you know. Recent executive orders from the White House and other Federal Executive actions include:


Summary of Executive Actions

State Executive Actions Impacting Christian Citizens


Joined Petition to International Olympic Committee (opposing decision allowing biological men to compete against women in women’s sports) (July 16, 2024)

Statement and Recommendation to National Advisory Committee on Constitutional Reform – the Trinidad & Tobago Evangelical Council, functioning under the umbrella of the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean as part of the World Evangelical Alliance, (a global ecclesiastical fellowship, instituted in 1846, with alliances on every continent around the world, representing over 400 million evangelicals). (April 10, 2024)

Official Comment on the Executive Branch’s Proposed Commitment to the World Health Organization Agreement on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response, (nonpartisan written comment submitted to the U.S. Health and Human Services Department) (January 21, 2024) (RIN: 0955-AA03)

We continue to provide counsel and analysis to the churches of Trinidad and Tobago as they participate in the redrafting of the country’s constitution.

Public Comment Before Michigan Supreme Court

  • Amendment of Rule 1.109 of the Michigan Court Rules now directs judges to use pronouns preferred by parties and attorneys, even when doing so requires the judge to lie) Go HERE to hear Prof. Wagner’s testimony before the Supreme Court

Prof. Wagner’s and team’s Recent Testimony/Gov. Presentations/ Written Evidence

2024 Lame Duck Session

Non-partisan education on the threats proposed legislation pose to Faith and Good Governance (November/ December 2024) — Many bills that threatened good governance and first freedoms were introduced and were expected to pass without a hearing, but we thank God that the following bills failed and did NOT pass:

  • HB 4156 & 4440: National Popular Vote legislation sought to undermines the U.S. Constitutional process for electing the President (resulting in major urban cities deciding who will be President)
  • HB 6068: Radical Sex-Ed Overhaul Bill sought to radically overhaul the way Michigan Public schools teach children about sex education, gender, identity, and reproductive rights… starting in elementary school. Eliminates teaching abstinence; provides for schools to distribute family planning drugs and devices, without parental notice or consent; teaches children how to communicate with their parents about sexuality; requires the teaching of sexual identity, etc…
  • HB 6034-6035: Library bill package that sought to protect pornographic and sexually explicit material funded with taxpayer dollars
  • HB 6091: “Anti-harassment” bill that sought to silence parents and others from exercising 1st Amendment rights –
    • Violations of the law could include Homeschool parents or Christian School teachers teaching children about their Biblical identity and how they are created either male or female in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
    • Public School parents who come to a school board meeting and speak publicly about concerns regarding a biological male competing on their daughter’s sports team and sharing locker room and shower space with biological females could be prosecuted and fined.
    • School board members who advocate for private, secure bathrooms could be prosecuted and fined.
    • Students leading a lunchtime Bible study, discussing how God calls young men and young women to live modest, holy, and pure lifestyles could be prosecuted and fined.
  • SB 1082: sought to censor and prohibit sharing pro-life information with women via phone, text message, and more.
  • SB 285: sought to infringe on parental upbringing of children invoking Mandatory Kindergarten at age 5
  • HB 6135: sought to deprive certain people of 2nd Amendment rights without due process
  • HB 6205: Radical vaccine package that sought to strip away parents’ rights and medical privacy
  • HB 4482: Exposed many churches, schools, & non-profits up to costly lawfare
  • HB 4410: sought to provide driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
  • HB 4431: Legalization of sodomy
  • SB 1085: Legalization of adultery
  • HB 4556: sought to allowed early release for dangerous criminals
  • HB 4547: sought to undermine the institution of marriage, increasing cost of a marriage license by 250%
  • SB 654: sought to remove penalties for minors unlawfully possessing tobacco

pray together

Prayer Guide

Good Governance

Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. (1 Peter 2:13-17)
  • Pray that God will raise up Godly men and women to serve in government agencies, the legislature and the judicial system at both the state and federal levels.
  • Pray that governmental, legislative and judicial leaders that don’t currently have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ would experience a spiritual revival and turn to Christ.
  • Pray that any attempts to limit an individual’s rights especially in regards to religious expression, marriage, family and personal property would be thwarted.
  • Pray that believers would have courage to boldly protect and speak out against any proposed rules, policy or legislation that would infringe on an individual’s God-given rights.
  • Pray that believers would commit to regularly loving, honoring and serving their leaders.

Protection of Traditional Marriage and the Family

“Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”  Psalm 127:3
  • Pray that legislation, regulations and policy that serve to break down the institutions of traditional marriage and the family would be blocked.
  • Pray that God would protect Christian marriages and families and that they would serve as a light to those who are need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Pray believers will boldly stand-up against attempts to indoctrinate children and youth through the educational system in values that are contrary to the Biblical view of marriage and the family.
  • Pray for protection for pastors, educators, governmental leaders and business leaders who uphold the values of traditional marriage and the family.
  • Pray for Christian parents to have wisdom as they disciple their kids in Biblical values related to marriage and family in a secular culture.
  • Pray for believers to live a righteous life that is pleasing to the Lord and free from the entanglements of pornography and sexual sins. Pray for a repentant heart for those who are caught in the cycle of sexual sin and the strength to seek the Christian professional help they need to experience freedom.

Value of Human Life

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
  • Pray that our culture would grasp and uphold the value of all human life born and unborn.
  • Pray that Roe v. Wade would not return under the guise of state constitutional and statutory law
  • Pray that state legislatures would be successful in adopting laws that protect all human life from the womb to the grave.
  • Pray that the Body of Christ would experience unity as we view every person as a beautiful and valuable creation designed in God’s image.
  • Pray that those who are victims of human trafficking are rescued and restored through the hope of Christ and those who are committing the crimes of human trafficking are captured and brought to justice.

Religious Liberty

“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 1:3-4)
  • Pray that any attempt to pass laws or regulations that would limit the practice of religious freedom and expression would be thwarted.
  • Pray that attempts to censor the voices of believers would be unsuccessful. That the truth of the Gospel would continue to be boldly proclaimed in our nation.
  • Pray that evangelical churches would remain true to the fidelity of scripture. That they would not allow cultural beliefs and ideologies to taint the power and truth of God’s Word.
  • Pray that God would strengthen, encourage and protect pastors as they preach God’s Word and shepherd their churches. Pray that pastors would boldly proclaim the Gospel and not compromise the truth of God’s Word even when pressured by the culture and governmental leaders and policies.
  • Pray that believers would carefully study and obey God’s Word on a regular basis.
  • Pray that our nation would experience a spiritual revival and turn back to God and His Word.

Freedom to Educate Updates

Here are recent updates from the American Association of Christian Schools ( and the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (

Religious Charter School Case in SCOTUS
The United States Supreme Court agreed to review whether the constitution allows a state to establish a religious charter school.  States consider charter schools public schools and are taxpayer-funded, even though privately administered via a state preapproved charter. A religious private school sought recognition as a charter school and a state Supreme Court ruled the establishment of a religious charter school unconstitutional in violation of state law. 
New Education Choice Executive Orders
Two executive orders promote school choice opportunities and end the indoctrination of woke ideology in schools:
The Expanding Education Freedom and Opportunity for Families executive order requires federal funding programs to prioritize school choice opportunities. The order states, “It is the policy of my Administration to support parents in choosing and directing the upbringing and education of their children.”
The Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling executive order blocks federal funding for educational institutions that promote “gender ideology or discriminating equity ideology.”

Contact the Governor:


Governor Gretchen Whitmer
P.O. Box 30013,
Lansing, Michigan 48909


517-335-7858 (Constituent Services)

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