Peru Invites Salt Light Global


Nicole Wagner

Citizen groups, churches and government officials in Peru recently brought Salt Light Global to their capital city of Lima. Committed to principled leadership, these audiences shared a common heart for their beautiful nation.  Salt and Light Global was honored to work together with Victory Missions to promote the rule of law, teach leadership principles, and spread the Word of God.

Biblical Worldview Lens

Through a biblical worldview lens, Professor William Wagner promoted ethics in the legal profession, anti-corruption strategies, and the Rule of Law. He joined forces with pro-family leaders and members of Congress to develop strategies for strengthening families. He emphasized the critical role of transparency and accountability for maintaining good governance.


Passing the Torch

In addition to working with government officials, he taught the next generation of leaders how to carry the torch. His course focused on Christian apologetics – how to defend the faith and explain the flaws of competing philosophies.



He also served as the keynote speaker at a conference on corruption held at a University law school (Ilustre Colegio Abogados de Lima). There he spoke to law deans and academics about the moral absolutes and rule of law.


Structure, Power, and Limits

Audiences learned about character, leadership and God’s unchanging Word. Together they developed an understanding of God’s design for government. The discussed structure, power, and the limits on the exercise of such power. They courageously recognized the abuses of power that undermine democracy when a branch of government acts outside the boundaries of its role. They learned how they could be like salt and light. Salt preserves and light illuminates, so the corruption that hides in darkness cannot prevail in its presence. Audiences expressed an eagerness to apply what they learned in their professional lives.

Reaching Millions for our Lord

On a national TV program that will reach millions of viewers, Prof. Wagner talked about faith and good governance principles. He stated, “no one is above the law” and explained why government serves at the behest of the people. He therefore spoke again about the importance of Truth, transparency, accountability and family values for preserving a nation.


Seasoning the Dialog with Truth

Prof. Wagner also seasoned the public dialog with Truth at the International Day of the Woman. At this event he affirmed God’s wonderful design in creating humankind both male and female. After a psychologist firmly asserted that sexual identity was a social construct, he respectfully replied that chromosomes designed by God make each person exactly who they were meant to be. Those in attendance appreciated his kind and respectful insight, and his courage to stand up for Truth.

About the Author

Nicole Wagner

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