Praying God’s Plan to Heal Our Land

Resource by

Katherine Bussard

Ex. Director & COO

Irreconcilable differences between light and darkness continue to make headlines at an alarming rate: violent and destructive antisemitic protests, heartbreaking murder and attempted assassination, the criminalization and imprisonment of courageous individuals protecting the unborn, and the list goes on…. No candidate or election can solve these cultural problems. No psychological strategy can fix what is broken. No amount of tolerance and humanitarian good will can heal the devastation and depravity. There may be value in these things, but they all fall short our real need for redemption.

The good news is that there is a God in heaven who sent His son to break sin and death forever, and He is still on the throne. He has a plan to heal our land, and He has shown us that plan in His Word. That plan begins with God’s people humbly praying.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from haven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2nd Chronicles 7:14

There is still hope for America, and his name is Jesus.

Only the Lord can heal our land. Will you join us in praying?

About the Author

Katherine Bussard
Ex. Director & COO
As Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Salt & Light Global, Katherine works to disciple servant-leaders in all walks of life, equipping them to share the redemptive love and truth of Jesus. She facilitates training in good governance for communities around the state, mentors other Christian women in leadership, and champions sound public policy. In speaking, writing, and serving, Katherine seeks to encourage the body of Christ to see all of who they are what they do through God’s Word. Katherine resides with her husband and partner in Kingdom service, Jeff.

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