Gender Words that Work

Effectively Communicating Truth about Identity

by Katherine Bussard

Because Truth needs a witness, Salt & Light Global created a new series of resources to help believers bring the heart of Jesus to the cultural conversations of the day: Words that Work.

It can be difficult to talk about issues of moral truth when others are personally and emotionally invested, but the Word of God more than just truth—it is the most loving and compassionate answer to the questions of our time—and we have a duty to speak that truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Scripture also teaches us the importance of communicating effectively (Proverbs 25:11), and this resource is designed to aid believers in doing just that.

One of the very first truths that God’s Word teaches about humanity pertains to our identity:

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them._” –Genesis 1:27

The Church must recognize and confront the enemy’s effort to steal and destroy our identity, which directly reflects the image of God. To be born biologically male means that one carries a sacred representation of our Creator, God. Likewise, to be born biologically female is to represent unique, distinct, and sacred attributes of the image of God. However, as believers we know that identity goes much deeper: Our true identify and highest calling are found in Christ Jesus (Colossians 3:1-3).  When the enemy seeks to steal our identity, we must recognize that he seeks nothing less than our very soul.

We must embrace, and help others to embrace, what it means to be male or female as an image bearer of a loving God who does not make mistakes. We must point others to their true identify in Christ, because Jesus is the ultimate answer. An identify based on the truth of God’s Word will never or falter or fail, because God’s Word is flawless and trustworthy (Proverbs 30:5).

It is our prayer that this resource will help you to have winsome, truth-centered conversations that point listeners back to the amazing identity and purpose God has for them.

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