Sharing the Heart of Jesus in Colombia



Last week, Prof. William Wagner, President of Salt & Light Global, worked with Victory Alliance to share the heart of Jesus in Colombia. After God opened the door for us to share His Good News in the nation’s education, government, business, and entertainment sectors, the entire trip was sponsored for SLG. It is with deep appreciation, therefore, that we make this report.

Contending for the Faith, Salt & Light Global helps the Church to be Salt and Light in the World. We take the heart of Jesus to the culture because we know His Good News transforms people by the renewing of their minds…which inevitably leads to cultural transformation. Everywhere we travelled in Columbia the people there expressed a desire to end corruption in their nation. Many were hurting, Most were searching for Truth.

Powerful Start

Our God is an awesome God. Our mission in Colombia started powerfully with a gathering of Christians in Bogota! Can you see Jesus in their hearts?

Leaving a Legacy—Ministering to the next generation

What a blessing to meet and minister to these hard working, family loving vocational students. God has a plan for their lives!

Sharing the Good News with the Military in Bogota, Colombia.

Being Salt; Being Light. What a privilege to hear their stories, feel their pain, and share hope. For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord….plans to give you hope and a future. Many requests for follow up following the program. Yes! Our in-country team on the ground will continue to minister.

Salt; Light; Better Business Success

Our team was privileged to share the heart of Jesus in the business sector of Colombian culture. We were blessed with a wonderful turnout at our seminar for Business leaders. In the seminar we challenged the business community to a higher Salt & Light calling. After, as with all our events, we provided for long-term in-country coaching/ discipleship.

Sharing the Good News at a Key University in Columbia

Showing the heart of Jesus to the culture, Prof. Wagner provided a Salt & Light worldview lens of Truth and Love at two university seminars. Many university students, faculty, and administrators attended his seminars on the fundamental moral foundations of ethical governance and on the importance of Truth. Again, many signed up for additional coaching/ discipleship.

Sharing the Heart of Jesus with Music

Johnny Rez (The Voice; American Idol) joined our team and rocked the house everywhere he played and shared his testimony.

Having fun warming Johnny up with Amazing Grace

Discipling the Disciplers…

We’ve learned over the years the importance of training in-county Christian leaders. What a privileged to equip the Christian Leaders in Columbia to share the heart of Jesus in the culture…Disciplining leaders who disciple others to engage the culture with Salt & Light…. … providing the means for fruit to grow from seeds planted this week.

The Team

What a privilege to serve with such a God-fearing, brilliant, yet always humble team.

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